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Heroes Among Us

Madeline Stocker

Being a law enforcement officer is one of the most honorable nobel careers to pursue of 2022. What is an important skill to have as a law enforcement officer? The ability to solve problems, have mental agility, conflict resolution, integrity, adaptability, and quick thinking. Law enforcement officers often must deal with unexpected situations and learn to think quickly on their feet to minimize any damage. That’s where training becomes an essential priority for law enforcement officers and in this story, deputies Buddy Sprout and Daniel Hill had to put that training to the test in real life.

In Port Salerno, Florida, the two deputies were following a training procedure when, in the area, they noticed a fire had started on a boat that started to grow quickly. Without hesitation, the two deputies ran over to the boat, climbed in but found that the hatch on the bow was locked. They soon found out there was a man trapped inside. Assessing the situation, according to Deputy Sprout, "I was able to break a window at the side of the boat and talk to the male.” Luckily, the deputies were able to get the man and pull him out before the flames got bigger. The owner of the boat was hospitalized but is expected to be okay.

There are heroes to every story and that is no surprise in this latest one. We sometimes forget how much law enforcement officers risk their lives to save others. And clearly, in this story, it shows just how much they sacrifice for the community and others around us.

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